Youth Learn-to-Swim 6-12 Yr. olds

Youth Learn-to-Swim 6-12 Yr. olds


For the past 120 years Y’s have offered swim lessons. We have always been driven to be on the cutting edge of swim instruction. Our lessons are designed to challenge, motivate, and provide focus on water safety and proper swimming technique.

A few benefits of Y Aquatics Lessons include

Knowledgeable and trained swim instructors
Small class size (Preschool & School Age Levels)


The goal of the YMCA swim lesson program is to develop the whole person – spiritually, mentally, and physically. Our teaching methods focus primarily on student-centered learning, increasing awareness of safety in all aspects and assisting participants in perfecting skills to the very best of their ability. The goal is to create life-long interest in aquatics activities and promote a healthy lifestyle.


On the first day of the swim lesson our Certified Swim Instructors will place the children in a group that will best fit their needs and abilities. This will primarily be based on swim testing, observations in the water, or our records from prior sessions.

Questions? Send us an email!

James Steele - Aquatics Director


View Open Classes Here



Click on a level to learn more

Ages 6 – 12 years

Classes are 30 Minutes in Length

Ratio 1:4

Level 1


Beginner swimmer with no experience.

Will learn basic skills of blowing bubbles with face in water, floats and push-offs to instructor.

  • Front float (30 seconds independent) and Back float (30 seconds independent)
  • Bubbles - do bobs going under water blowing out by nose/mouth 10 times
  • Introduce front stroke kick (strait legs) start on wall then move out with the barbel and noodle first to flags then to red line if comfortable
  • Introduce arm circles or arm strokes (down and over) with a cupped hand on the wall then proceed with barbel and noodle and have them look down blow bubbles and do 2 arm circles then breath all while kicking their legs strait up and down pointed toes.
  • Independent front stroke: swim to flags if they are uncomfortable have them swim to a noodle out in front of them or have them reach for your hand, goal is to the flags
  • Backstroke: use barbel (make sure they hold it against their stomach and look straight up and that their ears are in the water and the go up and down with strait leg kicks and pointed toes
  • Backstroke arms: Use barbel have them move one hand up toward ceiling (thumb up, pinky down) and then switch, make sure they go slow then once they get it they can begin to go faster
  • Independent backstroke: hold them by the head and hips and periodically let go and hold them up again until confidence is gained, goal is to the flags.
  • To pass: must be able to float, blow bubbles, and swim to the flags on front and back (not perfectly)


Level 2


Has passed Y1 and/or is able to float, be comfortable in the water, able to blow bubbles, has knowledge of front and backstroke.

Students should be able to/swim:
Comfortably put face in water
Front glide 5 feet assisted
Back glide 5 feet assisted
Front float 30 seconds assisted
Back float 30 seconds assisted

  • Front stroke: head looking down to the floor blowing bubbles doing 1….2…Breathe and having straight leg kicks at the same time
  • Front stroke goal: need to be able to swim on the front with straight leg kicks and arm circles independently of instructor to red line
  • Backstroke: Head looking up and ears in water (body parallel with the water) strait leg kicks with barbel and thumb up pinky in backstroke arms
  • Backstroke goal: need to be able to swim independently on the back to the red line
  • This level is all about perfecting front and backstroke kicks and arms and making sure they are not bending their knees and have control of their body.


Level 3


Has passed Y2 and/or is able to swim independently to red line with looking down blowing bubbles perfect straight leg kicks both on front and back, and is able to float by themselves without assistance

Students should be able to/swim:
Bob up and down under water
Front glide 10 feet
Back glide 10 feet
Front float 20 seconds
Back float 20 seconds
Jump into water
Treading water

  • Introduction to Side breathing, Breaststroke, and Dolphin kick
  • Backstroke is perfecting flutter kick and rotating arms and increasing distance
  • Side Breathing: Using a slow progressing system
  • Breaststroke is introduced in this level
  • Butterfly kick
  • End of level to graduate:
  • Demonstrate side breathing up to lifeguard chair without lifting their head forward to breath
  • Demonstrate Backstroke with strait leg flutter kicks and rotating arms, chin looking up and legs are not sinking halfway down the pool
  • Demonstrate breaststroke kick and have basic knowledge on how to preform breaststroke (but not perfect)
  • Demonstrate dolphin kick (not perfect)


Level 4


Has passed Y3 and or is able to complete goals of Y3.

Students should be able to/swim:
Retrieve object down 3.5 feet
40 feet on front
40 feet on back
Front float
Back float
Jump into water
Treading water

  • Endurance
  • any stroke or combination of strokes, 25 yd.
  • Front Crawl
  • rotary breathing (ear on shoulder rolling down), teach to breath on dominate side only 15 yd.
  • Back Crawl
  • Rotating shoulders while reaching back, thumb up, pinky in, straight leg kick 25 yd.
  • Diving and Summersaults
  • Resting Stroke
  • Tread Water
  • scissor & whip kick, 1 min.
  • Breaststroke
  • Frog Kick (bend - open - close) intro to timing, 15 yd.
  • Butterfly
  • Dolphin Kick, moving in a worm like motion, 15 yd.


Level 5


Students should be able to swim:
Any stroke for 25 yards
Front Crawl w/ rythmic breathing for 25 yards
Back Crawl for 15 yards
Breaststroke kick for 15 yards
Butterfly kick for 15 yards
Elementary Backstroke for 15 yards
Treading water for 1 minute using scissor and/or whip kick
Sitting dive from the side of the pool


Introduces breaststroke and butterfly and reinforces water safety through treading water and sidestroke


Level 6


Students should be able to swim:
Any stroke for 50 yards
Front Crawl w/ rythmic breathing and bent arm recovery for 25 yards
Back Crawl for 25 yards
Breaststroke for 25 yards
Butterfly w/ simultaneous arm action & kick for 15 yards
Sidestroke for 25 yards
Treading water for 2 minutes using scissor and/or whip kick
Kneeling dive from the side of the pool


Refines stroke technique on all major competitive strokes and encourages swimming as part of a healthy lifestyle