Together, we can make sure every child is safe, healthy and fed this summer.
One in six children in the U.S. don’t know where their next meal is coming from.
Summer Food Program for Kids (18 and younger) - Free and Open to the Public
The summer is a particularly vulnerable time for kids who rely on free or reduced-price meals during the school year. The Y's Summer Food Program helps fill the gap by providing nutritious meals thanks to the collaboration with Illinois SFSP program. The Y provides breakfast and lunch for children (18 & under) at the Taylor YMCA in Elgin to ensure that children have access to healthy meals over the summer.
Serving Breakfast and Lunch May 28 through August 16. (No meals served July 4th.)
Available Monday-Friday
Breakfast: 7 AM - 9 AM
Lunch: 11 AM - 1 PM
You do not need to be a member or register to participate in this FREE program. Thanks to the collaboration with the Illinois Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), the Golden Corridor Family YMCA is thrilled to offer Grab & Go meals to children aged 18 and under to ensure that ALL children have access to healthy meals this summer!
2024 Breakfast & Lunch Menus

Life happens! Sometimes, our vendors are out of items we ordered or things don't arrive on time. Check back here to find updates about any menu changes throughout the summer.
Before and Afterschool Programs
The Golden Corridor YMCA serves School District U-46, the second largest school district in Illinois, where 46.4% qualify for the free or reduced lunch program.
At the Y, we know that children who receive daily nutrition are set up to succeed. We ensure that all children in our before and afterschool programs have access to nutritious snacks while in our care.